vänrikki Kimmo Suutala vs Gary Horst - Game List

* Game report nr. 923 Thu, May 20, 2004 at 00:00 * The Paw of the Tiger
Gary HorstRUSSIAN Gary Horst
the 24th game, + 13.4 pts *
× 1.72
Kimmo SuutalaKimmo Suutala GERMAN
*-13.4 pts, the 20th game
* Game report nr. 845 Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 20:00 * Lost Opportunities
Gary HorstGERMAN Gary Horst
the 17th game, + 12.5 pts *
× 1.64
Kimmo SuutalaKimmo Suutala AMERICAN
*-12.5 pts, the 15th game
* Game report nr. 806 Tue, Dec 23, 2003 at 22:00 * Turned Away
Gary HorstRUSSIAN Gary Horst
the 10th game, + 12.9 pts *

(provisional game)
Kimmo SuutalaKimmo Suutala GERMAN
* unchg, the 11th game